Stuart Little 3: Call Of The Wild. The book mrs little jacob coleman fairy tale great movie little trumpet currently. Amazon prime for a free version we couldnt. Stuart Little movie begins the story when the Little family go to the orphanage to get a child to befriend the boy George. But instead of getting the lovely child, the Little family likes a cute tiny mouse named Stuart when he was reading the book Little Women. While at it, they meet Stuart, a small, but charming mouse, who apparently, is human-civilized. They adopt him, and everyone, even George, loves him. But there is one problem with Stuart's life, Snowbell, the Little family cat, who wants him.
In New York City, you would come across a small house, home to a family known as the Littles. You would happen to think of them as the nicest family you'd ever meet. One day, Fredrick and Eleanor, both parents and Littles, ho to and orphanage to find a brother for their son, George.