Sri Lankan Jokes In Sinhala

  1. Sri Lanka Jokes Colombo
  2. Sri Lankan Jokes In Sinhala Songs
Sri Lankan Jokes In Sinhala

Let us Laugh at Us Mahinda and Co Current Joke While visiting India, President Mahinda Rajapakse was invited to tea with President Abdul Kalam. Check out our Sri Lankan Jokes to find out clean but really funny jokes in Sinhala. Do you love jokes? If so, enjoy the best top funny jokes with your friends and family. You will laugh all day long.

Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs are roaming in the forest when they come across a lake. The water was enticing and Snow-white decides to take a bath.

So she tells the Dwarfs to turn around while she is Preparing to take the bath. Dwarfs protest vehemently and then Snow white relents and says that when i get into the water and u hear the splash, u can turn around.

Snow white undresses and as she is about to jump into water, at that very moment she is startled by a frog who jumps into water before she can. The moment the dwarfs hear the SPLASH, the Dwarfs turn around and see Snow white standing NAKED. Now if this incident is a sequel to an ad, what product is being advertised? Page down for answer NOW. A married woman is having an affair. Whenever her lover comes over, she puts her nine-year-old son in the closet. One day the woman hears a car in the drive way and puts her lover in the closet, as well.

Sri Lanka Jokes Colombo

Inside the closet, the little boy says, 'It's dark in here, isn't it? 'Yes it is,' the man replies. 'You want to buy a baseball?'

Sri Lankan Jokes In Sinhala Songs

The little boy asks. 'No thanks,' the man replies. 'I think you do want to buy a baseball,' the little extortionist continues. The man replies after considering the position he is in. 'Twenty-five dollars,' the little boy replies. 'TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS?!'