Softube Plug Ins

  1. Softube Plug-ins V2.2.76 Free Download
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Softube Plug-ins V2.2.76 Free Download

Created in close collaboration with Doepfer, Softube Modular gives you both the sound, flexibility and expandability of a true analog modular synthesizer. But Softube Modular is more than just another virtual synthesizer plug-in—it's an entirely new modular synth standard. Infinitely Expandable As a Modular owner, the basic system gives you a great toolkit to start out with. Bingkai undangan ulang tahun. It includes six modeled Doepfer modules and over 20 utility modules. But there is much more to discover. Additional modules from quality Eurorack vendors—starting with a range of units from cutting-edge manufacturer Intellijel—are available for separate purchase. More modules will continuously be made available.